Fat To Fit Fast: Get Lean And Muscular In 12 Weeks Or Less
Fed up with being fat? Tried every diet on the planet, from cabbage soup to Atkins? Or maybe you’ve tried pills or ‘miracle’ workout devices that promise fast and easy weight loss. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 66% of adult Americans are overweight. No wonder we’re inundated with quick-fix weight loss gimmicks. And no wonder so many overweight people feel hopeless, as though nothing will work for them.
Enter Ray Burton, personal trainer and author of the new book, “Fat to Fit: The Journey.” Burton is no stranger to creating fitness programs; he’s the former supervisor of daily physical training for the Canadian Military. His incredible ability to help whip soldiers into top shape lent itself to transforming the lives of regular civilians who wanted to change their bodies. Now he’s created an easy to follow, step-by-step weight loss plan for people of all shapes and sizes.
“Nobody has ever been beyond help,” says Burton. “If you are human, you will lose weight on this program. The first step is simply taking action. Many people are so afraid of failing on another weight loss plan that they’ve allowed themselves to become immobilized.”
Many people who aren’t in shape or who’ve never been active are intimidated by the gym. With that in mind, Burton has created two different workout plans; one in the gym and a second that actually uses a person’s own bodyweight to strengthen and develop their core and supporting muscles—in other words, no gym required.
“Using your own bodyweight is a great approach for people who want useful real world muscles,” says Burton. “This works your major muscles and develops your supporting structure and core, which ultimately leads to overall fitness and less strain with daily activities, not to mention the results on your improved appearance.”