Lose 50 Pounds While Getting Stronger Every Day
10 years ago I trained my first older guy on the internet.
An 48 year old internet copywriter named Jim Edwards.
He couldn't keep up with his grandkids and wanted to stick around on the planet long enough to see them graduate.
He decided one day that he wasn't happy with the way his body was feeling and looking.
He decided he wanted to do something about it but had no idea where to start.
Everything he did hurt and he didn't know if he was making the right steps.
So he gave me a call, then we had a couple more phone conversions and he put the ideas to work.
These are the same ideas and tips I'm going to share with you.
Jim has done something that a lot of people set out to do BUT actually seldom achieve.
He lost 50 pounds and did his first chin-up.
He also ran for the first time.
And the best part is he did it without going on a diet, taking a diet supplement, or going to the gym.
I picked his brain to figure out why he succeeded at losing weight, where others have failed.
I asked. We jumped on a quick call and he was happy to share.
I put his side of the story and the coaching tips I gave him all together by transcribing it.
Gave it a quick edit to take out the fluff.
And here's your ultimate guide showing you exactly how to build muscle and lose weight from scratch while holding down a full-time 9-5.
No matter how banged up or out of shape you are.
Jim is a pretty well known internet copywriter so he sits a lot.
It's Jims story plus all the information I gave him to make those amazing gains.
P.S. This picture is after Jim went from not running in 30 years to doing his first obstacle race.